

The Alchemist

This is a great book for anyone who feels their life has a purpose. It really speaks to people who are on their paths and following the voice in their heart. It's also great for the person who may have fallen a bit off track. This book is extremely encouraging and very nicely written. People have been telling me about this book for a while now, and the other day someone handed it to me. It's an easy read and a great book. It's also has a lot of biblical references, which I'm into now.
I just want to personally encourage you all to find what's in your heart, and DO IT. You only get one life, and it flies by. Why not separate yourself from what you "should do" or what you think you "have to do" and do what's in your heart? Those dreams were given to you for a reason, and just by you stepping out on them could inspire so many people around you.
Each and every person has a purpose, and the funny part is that you already know what it is. Remember what you used to dream of doing but gave it up because people told you you couldn't, or something happened, or it looked too far away? Get back to it and live the life you dream of.
Anyways, read the book and email me your thoughts.


  1. I can't believe the book is so interesting ... I have it here because a friend gave it to me 7yrs ago!! I can't believe I have not read it yet but your review is not the 1st positive one I've heard about the book. I will start today.
    For sure will come back and let you know :)


  2. I'll have to add this to my summer reading list!

  3. Fab review!
    Will have to read this one!


  4. I loved this book and totally agree with your assessment. I found it very inspirational and encouraging. xo style, she wrote
